Create account alias

Create account alias.


tkm org accounts create-alias \
  --account-id <account-id> \
  --alias <alias>

Positional arguments

This command has no positional arguments.


In addition to the common options, this command has the following options.

  • --account-id <account id>

    • Account id. Required.

  • --alias <alias>

    • Account alias to create. Required.

IAM permissions

These are the minimum IAM permissions required to run this command.

# Permission needed to assume a role from the target account
# used to create the account alias.
  - Effect: Allow
    Action: sts:AssumeRole
    Resource: "*"

The role in the target account must have the following permissions.

  - Effect: Allow
    Action: iam:CreateAccountAlias
    Resource: "*"


Create account alias

tkm org accounts create-alias \
  --account-id 123456789012 \
  --alias my-account-alias

Last updated